
Master the Art of Vision, Planning and Daily Wins!

What has a swimming pool and an alcohol-free challenge in common?

Published 22 days ago • 2 min read

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Water, Peggy, and a 100-days...

You might be thinking, what a weird subject Peggy 🫣 keep on reading Reader, I'll tell you all about it!

I love challenges, that feeling of accomplishment, and the ticking of a box. That's me! I not only love to participate and organize challenges but I also love the challenge myself, to see if I can do it 🤪 When something then serves me well, I'll do it again. Rinse and repeat!

It's just a way to motivate myself and embrace those small steps instead of skipping one day, then another, and then trying to forget about it all together.

So, at the beginning of the year, I challenged myself to:

  • Cut out alcohol for 100 days in a row
  • Have a daily swim for 100 days in a row

And guess what, today marks day 101 and I'm celebrating because I did it! To achieve both, I needed water 💦 discipline, and motivation 💪🏼

It's the second time I challenge myself to cut out alcohol and swim for 100 days in a row. It wasn't that hard at all. Yes, of course, there were moments when it would have been nice to have a glass of white wine or to drink a nice mojito.

On day 98 it was pouring rain the whole day and I was sooo unmotivated to swim. But, being so close and with some motivation from IG followers, I did it. Yes, I could have been content with 98 days but I could choose to be very happy with 101 days. I chose the latter 😊

But why do I challenge myself in the first place? Because part of my vision is to age in the best possible way. To achieve that, I need to act NOW.

Challenging myself in this way wasn't just about proving something to myself or ticking off boxes. It was about investing in my health, both physical and mental. And the results were remarkable.

No alcohol and the daily swims really do good to my mind, body, and soul! I not only feel and see the difference, but I also had the best results with my annual health check-up. I'm in my prime at 48! (it should have been 49 because that rimes 🤪)

Besides the positive impact it has on my health, it also has a positive impact on how I can show up for my coaching clients and my business. I feel more energized and focused, and with more clarity, there was a boost in my productivity and creativity!

As entrepreneurs, especially as women juggling various responsibilities, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of running a business. We often prioritize our work over our well-being, thinking that success requires sacrificing our health. But here's the truth: our health is the foundation upon which our businesses thrive.

Investing in our health isn't just about looking and feeling good; it's about ensuring our longevity and resilience as entrepreneurs. As the saying goes, "You can't pour from an empty cup." Prioritizing self-care isn't selfish; it's strategic.

So, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on your own well-being. What small changes can you make today to prioritize your health amidst the demands of entrepreneurship and life?

Whether it's incorporating daily exercise, practicing mindfulness, or simply taking regular breaks, remember that your health is your greatest asset.

Let's redefine success not just in terms of financial achievements but also in terms of our holistic well-being. Because when we prioritize our health, we not only thrive personally but also lead our businesses with strength and vitality.

Here's to a healthier, happier, and more successful you.


P.S. If you're a woman entrepreneur feeling overwhelmed trying to juggle it all, I invite you to check out Visionary Women, my program designed to support and empower women like you! The next cohort starts on May 20.

P.P.S. Tomorrow I'll be busy packing my bags for a lovely trip to Namibia 🇳🇦 🏜️ If you would like to follow my adventures, then check out my IG account!

Master the Art of Vision, Planning and Daily Wins!

Peggy - Visionary Planning Coach and a Backyard Hiker

I inspire and guide women business owners, to go from overwhelm to empowered success! Are you a woman entrepreneur ready to break free from the shackles of overwhelm and unlock the door to your empowered future? Then subscribe to my newsletter and be ready to transform overwhelm into empowered, abundant living!

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